Design Patterns Interview Questions Java

Design Patterns Interview Questions Java: Design patterns are reusable templates to help you solve common software development problems, such as repetitive code, reusable patterns, and redundant functions. They work like customizable blueprints, so you can use them to solve any problem.

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Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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Design Patterns can help you save time and energy when developing software. Knowing these patterns is in high demand among developers, so learning them can give you an edge in the job market.

Design Patterns help make sure well-tested, reusable solutions are implemented. This makes code more flexible and easier to develop smart, extendible solutions that solve problems efficiently. As a result, the demand for software developers who know design best practices and implementation has increased steadily. These topics are usually discussed in job interviews during the Low-Level Design round.

This article will explore some of the most commonly asked design pattern interview questions and their solutions. We will cover creational, structural, and behavioral patterns and discuss their applications and implementations. This article aims to help aspiring software developers and programmers prepare for their design pattern interviews and better understand these essential concepts.

Design Patterns Interview Questions Java

  • When will you use Strategy Design Pattern in Java?
  • What is an Observer design pattern?
  • What are the examples of Observer design patterns in JDK?
  • How is the Strategy design pattern different from the State design pattern in Java?
  • Can you explain the Decorator design pattern with an example in Java?
  • What is a good scenario for using a Composite design Pattern in Java?
  • Have you used Singleton’s design pattern in your Java project?
  • What are the main uses of the Singleton design patterns in the Java projects?
  • Why java.lang.Runtime is a Singleton in Java?
  • What is the way to implement a thread-safe Singleton design pattern in Java?
  • What are the examples of Singleton design patterns in JDK?
  • What is the Template Method design pattern in Java?
  • What are the examples of Template method design patterns in JDK?
  • Can you tell some examples of Factory Method design pattern implementation in Java?
  • What is the benefit of using the static factory method to create objects?
  • What are the examples of Builder design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the examples of Abstract Factory design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the examples of Decorator design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the examples of Proxy design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the examples of Chain of Responsibility design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the main uses of the Command design pattern?
  • What are the examples of Command design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the examples of Interpreter design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the examples of Mediator design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the examples of Strategy design patterns in JDK?
  • What are the examples of Visitor design patterns in JDK?
  • How is the Decorator design pattern different from the Proxy pattern?
  • What are the different scenarios to use Setter and Constructor based injection in Dependency Injection (DI) design pattern?
  • What are the different scenarios for using a Proxy design pattern?
  • What is the main difference between Adapter and Proxy design patterns?
  • When will you use the Adapter design pattern in Java?
  • What are the examples of Adapter design patterns in JDK?
  • What is the difference between Factory and Abstract Factory design patterns?
  • What is the Open/closed design principle in Software engineering?
  • What is the SOLID design principle?
  • What is a Builder design pattern?
  • What are the different categories of Design Patterns used in Object-Oriented Design?
  • What is the design pattern suitable to access elements of a Collection?
  • How can we implement the Producer-Consumer design pattern in Java?
  • What design pattern is suitable to add new features to an existing object?
  • Which design pattern can be used when decoupling an abstraction from the implementation?
  • Which is the design pattern used in Android applications?
  • How can we prevent users from creating more than one singleton object instance by using the clone() method?
  • What is the use of the Interceptor design pattern?
  • What are the Architectural patterns that you have used?
  • What are the popular uses of Façade design patterns?
  • What is the difference between a Builder design pattern and a Factory design pattern?
  • What is the Memento design pattern?
  • What is an AntiPattern?
  • What is a Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern? Spring Questions
  • What is the Spring framework?
  • What are the benefits of the Spring framework in software development?
  • What are the modules in the Core Container of Spring framework?
  • What are the modules in the Data Access/Integration layer of the Spring framework?
  • What are the modules in the Web layer of the Spring framework?
  • What is the main use of the Core Container module in the Spring framework?
  • What kind of testing can be done in Spring Test Module?
  • What is the use of BeanFactory in the Spring framework?
  • Which is the most popular implementation of BeanFactory in Spring?
  • What is XMLBeanFactory in the Spring framework?
  • What are the uses of the AOP module in the Spring framework?
  • What are the benefits of the JDBC abstraction layer module in the Spring framework?
  • How does Spring support Object Relational Mapping (ORM) integration?
  • How does the Web module work in the Spring framework?
  • What are the main uses of the Spring MVC module?
  • What is the purpose of the Spring configuration file?
  • What is the purpose of the Spring IoC container?
  • What is the main benefit of the Inversion of Control (IOC) principle?
  • Do IOC containers support Eager Instantiation or Lazy loading of beans?
  • What are the benefits of ApplicationContext in Spring?
  • How will you implement ApplicationContext in the Spring framework?
  • Explain the difference between ApplicationContext and BeanFactory in Spring?
  • Between ApplicationContext and BeanFactory, which one is preferable to use in Spring?
  • What are the main components of a typical Spring-based application?
  • Explain the Dependency Injection (DI) concept in the Spring framework?
  • What are the different roles in Dependency Injection (DI)?
  • Spring framework provides what kinds of Dependency Injection mechanisms?
  • In the Spring framework, which Dependency Injection is better? Constructor-based DI or Setter-based DI?
  • What are the advantages of Dependency Injection (DI)?
  • What are the disadvantages of Dependency Injection (DI)?
  • What is a Spring Bean?
  • What does the definition of a Spring Bean contain?
  • What are the different ways to provide configuration metadata to a Spring Container?
  • What are the different scopes of a Bean supported by Spring?
  • How will you define the scope of a bean in Spring?
  • Is it safe to assume that a Singleton bean is thread-safe in Spring Framework?
  • What are the design patterns used in the Spring framework?
  • What is the lifecycle of a Bean in Spring framework?
  • What are the two main groups of methods in a Bean’s lifecycle?
  • Can we override the main lifecycle methods of a Bean in Spring?
  • What are Inner beans in Spring?
  • How can we inject a Java Collection into the Spring framework?
  • What is Bean wiring in Spring?
  • What is Autowiring in Spring?
  • What are the different modes of Autowiring supported by Spring?
  • What are the cases in which Autowiring may not work in the Spring framework?
  • Is it allowed to inject null or empty string values in Spring?
  • What is a Java-based Configuration in Spring?
  • What is the purpose of @Configuration annotation?
  • What is the difference between Full @Configuration and ‘lite’ @Beans mode?
  • In the Spring framework, what is an Annotation-based container configuration?
  • How will you switch on Annotation-based wiring in Spring?
  • What is @Autowired annotation?
  • What is @Required annotation?
  • What are the two ways to enable RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor in Spring?
  • What is @Qualifier annotation in Spring?
  • How does the Spring framework make JDBC coding easier for developers?
  • What is the purpose of JdbcTemplate?
  • What are the benefits of using Spring DAO?
  • What are the different ways to use Hibernate in Spring?
  • What types of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) are supported by Spring?
  • How will you integrate Spring and Hibernate by using HibernateDaoSupport?
  • What are the different types of Transaction Management supported by the Spring framework?
  • What are the benefits provided by Spring Framework’s Transaction Management?
  • Given a choice between declarative and programmatic Transaction Management, which method will you choose?
  • What is Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • What is an Aspect in Spring?
  • What is the main difference between a Concern and a Cross-cutting concern in Spring AOP?
  • What is a Joinpoint in Spring AOP?
  • What is an Advice in Spring AOP?
  • What are the different types of Advice in Spring AOP?
  • What is a Pointcut in Spring AOP?
  • What is an Introduction to Spring AOP?
  • What is a Target object in Spring AOP?
  • What is a Proxy in Spring AOP?
  • What are the different types of AutoProxy creators in Spring?
  • What is Weaving in Spring AOP?
  • In Spring AOP, is weaving done at compile time or run time?
  • What is XML Schema-based Aspect implementation?
  • What is an Annotation-based aspect implementation in Spring AOP?
  • How does Spring MVC framework work?
  • What is DispatcherServlet?
  • Can we have more than one DispatcherServlet in Spring MVC?
  • What is WebApplicationContext in Spring MVC?
  • What is a Controller in the Spring MVC framework?
  • What is @RequestMapping annotation in Spring?
  • What are the main features of Spring MVC?
  • What is the difference between a Singleton and Prototype bean in Spring?
  • How will you decide which scope- Prototype or Singleton to use for a bean in Spring?
  • What is the difference between Setter and Constructor based Dependency Injection (DI) in the Spring framework?
  • What are the drawbacks of Setter based Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring?
  • What are the differences between Dependency Injection (DI) and Factory Pattern?
  • In the Spring framework, what is the difference between FileSystemResource and ClassPathResource?
  • Name some popular Spring framework annotations that you use in your project?
  • How can you upload a file in the Spring MVC Application?
  • What are the different types of events provided by the Spring framework?
  • What is the difference between DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener in Spring?
  • How will you handle exceptions in the Spring MVC Framework?
  • What are the best practices of Spring Framework?
  • What is Spring Boot?

Final Words

This article will help you prepare for common design patterns interview questions. Whether you’re a fresher or an experienced software professional, these questions will better understand the design patterns concept.

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